2016年只剩下不到50天啦!公司都開始準備年底的尾牙了,你是不是也要開始準備梳理一下過去的這一年了呢?收穫也好,失意也好,你總是需要正能量來面對未來,那麼你需要一些可以振奮人心的語句去鼓勵、肯定自己,除了那些關於愛情的語錄,其實也有不少時尚語錄更值得大家 bookmark。
最近,國外時尚網站Who What Wear 就精選了 10 句來自時尚界的“Strong Woman Quotes”,出自 Coco Chanel、Anna Wintour 、Iris Apfel、Tory Burch、Angelina Jolie、Madonna、Donna Karan 口中的那些經典語句,每一位都在時尚界有一定成就,每一句都是經驗之談!海報君特地為你去掉logo,如果你覺得哪句有意思的話,不妨就將它保存下來放在手機裡,覺得失意的時候,時刻拿出來鼓勵一下自己吧!
可哥·香奈兒 (Coco Chanel) --香奈兒 (Chanel) 創辦人
In order to be irrplaceable one must always be different
安娜·溫圖爾 (Anna Wintour) 《Vogue》雜誌美國版主編
fashion goes in only one direction,forward,and I am a firm believer in thinking that way too
艾瑞斯·阿普菲爾 (Iris Apfel)—史上最高齡的時尚偶像
more is more and less is a bore.
黛安·馮芙絲汀寶 (Diane von Furstenberg)—DVF品牌創始人
I didn't know what I wanted to do,but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.
“百變女王”—麥當娜 (Madonna)
A lot of people are afraid to say what they want.that's why they don't get what they want.
安吉麗娜·朱莉 (Angelina Jolie)—美國女星
If I make a fool of myself who cares?I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.
托裡·伯奇 (Tory Burch) —設計師品牌Tory Burch創始人
Buckle up,and know that it's going to be a tremendous amount of work,but embrace it.
唐娜·凱倫 (Donna Karan)—設計師同名品牌創始人
Every woman has the power to seduce the world with her uniqueness passion,and creativity.
瑞秋·佐伊 (Rachel Zoe)—好萊塢造型師
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak
詹娜·萊恩茲 (Jenna Lyons)—J.Crew創意總監
Only do what you love,only pursue what feels like you.