IT之家3月26日消息 根據外媒爆料,微軟正在為Windows和設備部門旗下的Windows Mobile團隊擴展人員,近期在微軟職業網站上,該公司發佈了兩則職位招聘,分別是高級專案經理和專案經理,需要到Windows Mobile團隊中去工作。
Do you obsess over best customer experience and are you a self-starter? Are you excited by working with the latest innovations in hardware and devices? Windows Mobile team is looking for an experienced Senior Program Manager help drive the communication experiences to mobile devices, improve the user experience, meet enterprise and operator requirements. In this role, you will work with partners across the company including the hardware team to define the strategy, define the deliver the communication experience.
Windows Mobile團隊的擴展,也讓我們看到了Surface Phone手機的希望,當然微軟Surface硬體設備目前都在Panos Panay領導之下,此前有消息稱,Surface Phone將在2017年底或2018年初發佈,搭載高通驍龍835處理器,支援運行x86應用程式。
微軟Windows Mobile團隊現在要雇傭兩名新的項目經理令人感到有趣,在過去一年時間內微軟並沒有帶來Win10 Mobile的硬體更新反覆運算,但此前IT之家報導指出,微軟一直在研發Win10 Mobile,提升Continuum連續模式特性,這些功能預計將在Win10 RedStone 3更新到來。
微軟還在研發Andromeda(仙女座)專案,旨在融合不同的Windows10 Shell(圖形介面等),為Win10 PC、Win10 Mobile帶來真正的統一體驗。