

相信大家最近都被霍如婚禮給刷屏了,其實除了盛大的婚禮外,訂婚也是每個人一生中值得銘記的時刻。Junebug Weddings是美國最大的婚禮拍攝網站之一,自2008年起每年都會舉辦婚禮攝影大賽。今年一共收到35個國家攝影師的參賽作品,評委從5000多張照片中選出了50張年度最佳訂婚照。


攝影師:Nicola Thompson Photography

攝影師:India Earl

攝影師:Allison Williams Photography

攝影師:Bianco Photography

攝影師:Mantas Kubilinskas Photography

攝影師:Ekaterina Mukhina

攝影師:Brian Callaway of Callaway Gable

攝影師:Komang Diktat of Diktatphotography

攝影師:Emily Broadbank of Emily & Steve

攝影師:Robert Mauriell Photography

攝影師:Ueliton Santos Fotografia

攝影師:Dan O'day Photography

攝影師:Kerry Morgan

攝影師:Robert J Hill:Photography/Traveler

攝影師:Mait Juriado of M&J Studio

攝影師:Mantas Kubilinskas Photography

攝影師:Luke Liable Photography

攝影師:Cole Roberts of Nordica Photography

攝影師:Ekaterina Mukhina

攝影師:Joseph West Photography

攝影師:Judd Green of Juddric Photography

攝影師:Hugo Coelho

攝影師:Evan Cikaluk of Virginia&Evan Studios

攝影師:Clarkie Photography

攝影師:Dustin Cantrell

攝影師:Kadek Artayasa of Diktatphotography

攝影師:Joseph West Photography

攝影師:Joseph West Photography

攝影師:Nisha Ravji Photography

攝影師:Jason Ball of Jason +Anna Ball

攝影師:Shari Vallely of Shari + Mike photographers

攝影師:Alicia White Photography

攝影師:Rostovtsev Fotografie

攝影師:Lindsay Naito of Koyo Photography

攝影師:Lindsay Naito of Koyo Photography

攝影師:Jenn Nauss of Cooked Photography

攝影師:Matilda Delves Wedding Photography

攝影師:Ann-Kathrin Koch Photography

攝影師:Tee Tran Photography

攝影師:Eastlyn Bright

攝影師:Jenn Nauss of Cooked Photography

攝影師:Whitling Photography

攝影師:Tin Martin Nguyen of TIN Wedding Photography

攝影師:Jennifer Moher Photography

攝影師:Rocio Vega of Veroa Fotografia

攝影師:Rocio Vega of Veroa Fotografia

攝影師:Clarkie Photography

攝影師:Rocio Vega of Veroa Fotografia

攝影師:Whitling Photography

攝影師:Rocio Vega of Veroa Fotografia
