

核心獎項(Android Authority and Wired)
1、Android Authority:Best of MWC 2017(MWC2017最佳獎)

About Android Authority:
Android Authority應該很多人都不陌生,它是美國一家非常有權威的科技媒體,也是關注Android系統資訊的影響力最大的媒體,被評為“世界上最小不起的安卓社區”,每個月他們的影響力能覆蓋超過五千萬的行業人群。
Android Authority is the largest publication dedicated to the world's most widely used operating system. Every month, they influence an audience of 50 million professionals in the tech industry, technology enthusiasts, and savvy millennials.
2、Wired:2017 Wired Coolest of MWC(2017《連線》雜誌MWC最酷科技獎)

About Wired:《連線》是一份在全美國發行的知名月刊雜誌,著重報導科技對文化、經濟和政治的影響,曾以創造著名的“長尾理論”和“眾包”概念聞名全球。
3、Stuff:The Look-but-don't-touch Award for Cool Tech(最酷科技獎)

“Oh, Sir would like a zoom lens on his phone, but without a big bulky lens on the back? Of course!
Pretty unique in the smartphone world, wouldn’t you say? The depth of field effects are almost as convincing as a digital SLR camera, too.”
About Stuff:
Stuff is the world’s best-selling gadget magazine with the world’s most trusted gadget tests and exclusive previews.
4、Ubergizmo:Best of MWC 2017(MWC2017最佳獎)

About Ubergizmo:
Ubergizmo.com is one of the most popular technology blogs. The site is a Webby Award Honoree and has been ranked as a Top100 Blog. Ubergizmo is based in San Francisco.
Ubergizmo.com是全球最知名的科技博客之一,曾榮獲Webby Award Honoree並且當選百佳博客。總部位於三藩市。
5、Mobile Geeks:Best of MWC 2017(MWC2017最佳獎)

About Mobile Geeks:
Mobile Geeks is headquartered in Taipei, focusing on all things mobile, and not just phones.
Mobile Geeks總部在臺北,是關注移動科技行業的網站。
6、Techbox:TOP Innovation MWC 2017(MWC 2017最高創新獎)

About Techbox:
TECHBOX.sk ranks among the most popular technology sites in Slovakia. The number of visits per month is yet more than 300,000.